
Law Firm represents many corporate and private clients including
a variety of enterprises and non-lucrative organisms. The practice
offers many services ranging from consult to contention.Pascal D.
Briand always adopts a human approach while remaining result driven
towards his clients’ expectations. The practice’s philosophy is to
favour the path to negotiation, within reasonable limits. Indeed, the
search for amicable settlement, being a final result minimizing human
costs and conflicts, is often under estimated. The search for
conciliation also allows to reduce financial costs.Our principal
sectors of activity can be itemized as following:
- Entrepreneur,
investor and private immigration;
- Business sale and purchase;
- Business law
(business creation, transfer and handing over, fiscal law and subsidy
- Corporate financing;
- Commercial
law (drafting of commercial contracts, distribution contracts,
conception and drafting of general conditions involving sales and
- Insurance and
civil responsibility law;
- Contract
drafting and analysis;