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Activités principales
Vente et achat d’entreprise
Financement d’entreprise


Briand S.A. Law Firm
Place de la Cité – Tour Belle Cour
2590 Laurier Blvd.
Suite 780, 7th Floor
Quebec (Quebec) G1V 4M6 

Tel. : (418) 688-0888 poste 233
Fax. : (418) 948-9014

Affiliated office:

Hervé Edgard Chrysostome Law firm
BP 544 Abomey-Calavi
Tel.: 229 97 54 38 95

Corporate financing

For businesspeople, capital growth is essential to the development of your businesses. With that in mind, BRIAND S.A. LAW FIRM is the partnership you need to obtain all the help you might require from the government, from banks or from private organisations to help you reach your objectives relative to your needs in capital growth.

Known for nearly twenty years for the services quality and strength in human relations, BRIAND S.A. LAW FIRM are equipped with all required knowledge to guide you and lead you to an advantageous corporate financing for your business’ objectives.

To obtain the best corporate financing :

  1. Financing needs analysis
  2. Selection of the best financing partners, whether they are from the government, the banks or from private organizations.
  3. Planning, creating a business plan if necessary and support until the approval of the financing